Reentry Resources Counseling


Reentry Resources Counseling, LLC is an organization with a 20 plus year history, that provides a wide range of behavioral health services.  Our services are contracted across the New England region and beyond.  We are dedicated to providing the highest quality evidence-based services possible.  As an organization, we employ only the most up-to-date evidence-based practices and deliver them with strict quality control strategies designed to insure fidelity to the research that they are based upon.

We are a group of dedicated professional associates that has a firm commitment to practice with strong supervision and continuous professional development.  Our associates have diverse educational, cultural and professional experience and backgrounds.

The services that we currently offer range from traditional outpatient Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health treatment in our Manchester offices to Correctional Intervention Programs and Mental Health services in Correctional Institutions under contracts across New England.  We also provide behavioral health prevention and intervention services within educational environments and Impaired Driver Intervention services.  Our training and consultation services to agencies and institutions involved in delivering Behavioral Health and Criminogenic Risk Reduction Interventions across the New England region are unapparelled.  We deliver Clinical Supervision services under contract to agencies and institutions using the most progressive professional development and competency focused techniques.

As an organization of professional associates, we maintain a strong loyalty to each other and offer a professional environment of support and mutual caring.


25, Bay Street, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, 03104, United States

Contact Information

25, Bay Street, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, 03104, United States
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