Amherst Survival Center – Food Pantry


Free groceries (14+ days worth) for all household members including produce, frozen meat, milk, eggs, and shelf stable goods. Open to everyone in our service area.* No income cap. No citizenship questions (our services are not subject to the Public Charge rule). No photo ID required. Can register and take food home in the same day.  Registered participants may complete one full monthly food pantry shop, plus an additional monthly Fresh Boost. Fresh Boost consists of fresh produce, milk, eggs, cheese, and bread. 

*The Food Pantry is available to residents of Amherst, Belchertown, Deerfield, Granby, Hadley, Leverett, Pelham, Shutesbury, South Deerfield, South Hadley, Sunderland, Ware and Whately, and to those who are experiencing homelessness. Two full pantry shops per year available for those who live out of area.

4 Ways to Access Free Groceries

  • M & F 12pm-3pm
  • T & Th 12pm-7pm
  • 3rd Sat of the month from 9am-12pm
  • show up and shop for groceries, be sure to bring your own bags
  • 2. Express Pick Up 
    • hours are the same as in person shopping
    • show up and receive pre-packaged groceries without the wait of in person shopping 
  • 3. Curbside Pick Up 
    • M & F 3pm-4pm 
    • T & Th 5pm-7:30pm
    • 3rd Sat of the month from 9am-12pm
    • wait in your vehicle and our volunteers will bring your grocery order to you
    • must sign up in advance here: or by calling the pantry at 413.549-3968×104
  • 4. Delivery 
    • schedule varies depending on location
    • email for more information

How do I get food from the food pantry? 

  1. Fill out the online food pantry registration form or register in person onsite during our open hours. If you prefer, you may download paper copies of the forms in English, Spanish, or Mandarin. To request paper copies of the registration forms in the mail or to ask any further questions, please email or call 413-549-3968 x104.
  2. Get your free groceries – either in person, at curbside pickup, or through delivery. (Sign up for curbside pickup at; Email to ask about delivery).

What if I cannot come to the food pantry? 

  • Authorize another individual to pick it up on your behalf. You can do this by a) completing this form, or b) by emailing at least two full business days prior to picking up your groceries.

Authorize a local support agency you already work with to pick it up on your behalf (ie Bridge Family Resource Center, ServiceNet, VA, etc.) You must make these arrangements directly with your support agency. Support Agencies/Collaborative Partners: See this document for further info.


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