Eighteen Degrees
- (413) 448-8281
- https://18degreesma.org
- info@18degreesma.org
- 480, West Street, Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 01201, United States
Open 24/7
Carlson Detox offers traditional clinical and outreach outpatient and therapeutic services delivered through six licensed clinics. Specializations include:
• Services to the chronically mentally ill adult population and to the Seriously Emotionally Disturbed child population and their families;
• Addiction counseling, services to infants and young children and their families, services to the Latino populations of Springfield and Holyoke; services to the medically involved, intellectually disabled population and services to the elderly population.
• Day Treatment and Community-Based Partial Hospitalization programs in a community licensed facility
• Addiction Services (Detox, Intensive Outpatient, short-term & long- term residential)
• Respite and Crisis Stabilization services in three communities
• Crisis Intervention Teams that provide community-based site or
mobile assessment and triage into services for communities of the Lower Pioneer Valley, and response to six hospital Emergency Rooms:
› Baystate Medical Center › Mercy Hospital
› Holyoke Medical Center › Mary Lane Hospital
› Noble Hospital
› Wing Memorial Hospital
• Forensic court evaluation and treatment services offered to the Trial, Superior and Juvenile Courts in Hampden, Hampshire, Berkshire and Franklin counties; occasional consultation to the Probate Court
• Forensic treatment services within the correctional facilities of Hampden County, including an inpatient Emergency Stabilization Unit in HCCC and the Women’s Jail;
• Residential, Individual and Family Supports that assist individuals who want to live within their community