Nantucket Food Fuel Rental Assistance


Nantucket Food Fuel & Rental Assistance remains committed to providing assistance to as many community members effected by COVID-19 as possible.  If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact us by using the following information:

The Food Pantry has implemented new procedures and protocols at its 10 Washington Street location. We are adding new clients every day and will continue to do so to the extent possible for as long as we can. Food Item Donations are accepted at the Food Pantry year-round at 10 Washington Street, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3-6 PM. Non perishable items may be left at our donation bin at the front of the Sparks Avenue Stop & Shop. If you have questions or need to register e-mail

The Rental Assistance program is open for applications for assistance to qualified year-round island residents. Interviews will be conducted via telephone and required documentation can be received by email, fax, or text. For more information email

Fuel Assistance: the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) stop taking applications on April 30th, but if you are facing a shut off notice from your utility vendor and need further guidance please email

The Medical Travel Assistance fund helps defray the cost of traveling off-island for necessary medical appointments and treatments. To apply email


2 Madaket Road, Nantucket, MA 02554

Contact Information

2 Madaket Road, Nantucket, MA 02554
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