Northampton Survival Center


The Northampton Survival Center, through its Goshen and Northampton locations, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for low-income individuals and families throughout Hampshire County by providing nutritious food and other resources in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.

In addition to meeting our financial guidelines (call the Northampton Survival Center for information about these guidelines) clients must also live in one of our eighteen service communities:

  • Chesterfield*
  • Cummington*
  • Easthampton
  • Florence
  • Goshen*
  • Hadley
  • Hatfield
  • Haydenville*
  • Huntington*
  • Leeds
  • Middlefield*
  • Northampton
  • Plainfield*
  • South Hadley
  • Southampton
  • Westhampton*
  • Williamsburg*
  • Worthington*

*Clients living in these ten hilltowns have the option of visiting our Hilltown Pantry in Goshen, MA instead of our location in Northampton, MA.

Clients may choose whichever location is more convenient for them.

In November 2022 we integrated delivery into our internal programming. We now offer food through four modes designed to promote individual safety, maximize food distribution, and meet a variety of client needs. As of the end of 2022, those four modes are:

  1. On-site distribution to clients with a socially-distanced drive-through program at our pantries in Northampton and Goshen.
  2. Housing site deliveries to low-income, senior, and disabled housing.
  3. Individual housing deliveries to clients unable to get to the Center due to disability or lack of transportation.
  4. Curbside pickup, which allows clients to choose their groceries from our online pantry and reserve appointments to get them at the Center (brought to their car by a volunteer).

Northampton Survival Center
265 Prospect Street
Northampton, MA 01060
(413) 586-6564

Pantry Hours: M/W/F  12-3pm

Hilltown Food Pantry
40 Main Street
Goshen, MA 01032
(413) 268-7578

Pantry Hours: Wednesdays 1-3pm


265 Prospect Street Northampton, MA 01060

Contact Information

265 Prospect Street Northampton, MA 01060
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