Oasis House




Father Madden

Office hours

24 hours a day, seven days a week.
 Transitional Housing


A variety of programs from transitional housing for individuals suffering with mental health issues to food pantry services.
The clinic is open every Wednesday from 8am–11:00 am.
They also operate a soup kitchen Monday through Friday 7:00 am–11:00 am. Their food pantry is exclusively for residents in the 01604 residents and is operated Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 am–1:00 pm.  They also operate a Clothing center at 40 Vernon St, Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am–noon.
Call the number above if you have any questions about the scheduling of their programs.


9 Chadwick Street, Worcester, MA 01605

Contact Information

9 Chadwick Street, Worcester, MA 01605
Zip/Post Code
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