YEATEAM (Youth Empowerment and Activism)



Raquel Castro
Marianna Islam


A Worcester-based collective of young people in solidarity with their adult allies who creatively and strategically fight racism in all forms.
YEA is a volunteer-driven collective for youth ages 13-18 and their adult allies. No members are paid, rather we all, youth and adult commit to this work out of our personal thirst for racial justice and our dedication to a better tomorrow. All members go through a rigorous application and induction process that occurs in September of each year. YEA collaborates with many organizations within and outside of Worcester who share a similar commitment to racial justice and youth empowerment.


Applicant must be aged 13-18
Applicant must have a two year minimum commitment
Applicant must regularly attend every YEA Team meeting (every other Thursday evening)
Applicant must follow mandatory attendance at the annual YEA Team Empowerment Retreat
Applicant should bring passion and dedication to examining and fighting racism
Applicant must plan and facilitate anti-racism workshops for youth and the community in Worcester and at conferences and events outside Worcester
Applicant must have openness to learn and grow and commitment to speak truth to power!


23 Ferdinand Street, Worcester,MA 01603

Contact Information

23 Ferdinand Street, Worcester,MA 01603
Zip/Post Code
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