A Place To Turn
- (508) 655-8868
- https://www.aplacetoturn-natick.org/
- info@aplacetoturn-natick.org
- 99 Hartford Street, Natick, MA 01760
Abby’s House
- (508) 756-5486
- https://www.abbyshouse.org/thrift_shop
- 52 High Street, Worcester, MA 01609
Advocates – Behavioral Health Supports for Justice-Involved (BH-JI) Individuals
- (508) 628-6300
- https://advocates.org/services/behavioral-health-supports-justice-involved-individuals
- 1881, Worcester Road, Framingham, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, 01702, United States
Auburn Youth and Family Services
- 508-832-5707
- https://www.ayfs.org/
- admin@ayfs.org
- 21 Pheasant Court, Auburn, MA 01501
Bourne United Methodist Church
- 508-759-4898
- www.bournecataumetparish.org
- 37 Sandwich Road, Bourne, MA 02532
Catholic Charities – Worcester
- (508) 798-0191
- https://www.ccworc.org/
- 10 Hammond Street, Worcester, MA 01610
Cinderelli’s Consignment Boutique
- (413) 530-0311
- https://www.facebook.com/cinderellisconsignmentboutique
- 183 W State Street, Granby, MA 01033
Clothing Donation Center
- 10 Woodward Street, Newton, MA 02461
Community Action, Inc.
- (978) 373-1971
- https://www.communityactioninc.org/
- 3 Washington Square, Haverhill, MA 01830
Community Giving Tree
- (978) 769-5056
- https://www.communitygivingtree.org/
- info@communitygivingtree.org
- 572 B Main Street, Boxford, MA 01921
Corner Shop At The First Congregational Church
- (508) 829-9270
- http://www.fccholden.org/
- churchoffice@fccholden.org
- 1180 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520
Easthampton Community Center
- 413 527-5240
- https://easthamptoncommunitycenter.org/
- 12 Clark Street, Easthampton, MA 01027
Emanuel Baptist Thrift Store
- (508) 756-0009
- 717 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610
Forget-Me-Not Consignment Shop
- (978) 356-3211
- https://en-gb.facebook.com/forgetmenotshop28/
- 28 Market Street, Ipswich, MA 01938
Friendly House, Inc.
- (508) 755-4362
- https://www.friendlyhousema.org/
- 36 Wall Street, Worcester, MA 01604
Gardner Community Action Committee
- (978) 632-8700
- https://www.gardner-cac.org
- 294 Pleasant Street, Gardner, MA 01440
Goodwill Store
- (508) 752-4042
- https://goodwillnorthfl.org/locations/
- 25 Park Ave., Worcester, MA 01605