Eighteen Degrees
- (413) 448-8281
- https://18degreesma.org
- info@18degreesma.org
- 480, West Street, Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts, 01201, United States
Training is provided in basic life skills such as money management, parenting, nutrition, assertiveness, advocacy and accessing community resources. These training programs, which emphasize the acquisition of skills, confidence and information, lead to a certificate of "housing readiness" and can expedite a successful housing search. We also provide case management, housing search, GED and ESL classes. Although all Carolina Hill residents share a common problem of homelessness, many are also escaping situations of domestic violence and/or recovering from substance abuse. We refer families to outside services and agencies for childcare, individual, group and family counseling, community support, domestic violence programs, furniture programs, substance abuse programs, day programs and much more. After our families are successfully placed in a new home, we offer follow-up services to assist their smooth transition into local schools and social services.