Central MA Recovery Learning Community


Fax: (508) 751-9601


 Monday through Friday, 9:30am-when last meeting of the day ends


 Offers peer-support groups. Meetings are frequently straight-up Peer Support: people coming together to discuss experiences, challenges, symptoms or whatever else comes to mind. Other meetings approach recovery through other channels, helping peers with any aspect of life from Aromatherapy to Zen. Examples include Computer Literacy, Creative Writing, Yoga and more.
These meetings help peers with extreme emotional/mental experiences on many levels. They give us a reason to get out of bed when we're having a hard time doing so, and a place to go when we need one. They ground us in the “here and now” and give us new ways with which to express ourselves by engaging us in creative activities (drumming, writing, knitting, etc). Most importantly, they provide a network of emotional support, simply by bringing us together.
The RLC holds meetings in locations all throughout Central Massachusetts, in hospitals, community centers, book stores, churches-anyplace that has opened its space for use of the community. Our physical homes, sometimes referred to as our Resource Connection Center, also hosts numerous meetings throughout the week.


209 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, MA 01604

Contact Information

209 Shrewsbury St, Worcester, MA 01604
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