Find a Behavioral Health Provider


The MBHP behavioral health provider network is one of the largest in Massachusetts.  It includes over 1,200 clinics, inpatient programs, individual practitioners such as social workers and psychologists, and many more.  Many of our providers speak multiple languages.  They all share a commitment to providing high quality, culturally sensitive care.  Services offered range from detox, to crisis counseling, to long-term therapy. Learn more about what services are available.

You can search for a provider using the form below.  Here is a guide to help you fill out the search form. If you have questions or need help finding a provider, call us anytime at 1-800-495-0086.  

Please note: Provider information is updated weekly.

If you need this directory in a different language, please use the Google translate feature.  It can be found in the upper right hand corner of this website, in the gray toolbar.

Please note: Google Translate does not work in Internet Explorer.  For best results, please use another browser (example: Chrome).

If you would like additional information about the professional qualifications of providers, please call


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