Main South Community Development Corporation (CDC)


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The Main South CDC is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization that was incorporated in 1986. It evolved as a result of neighborhood residents’ concerns about the evident decline in the neighborhood and the increasing shortage of affordable housing.
The Mission of the Main South CDC is to improve the quality of life for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors by working together on projects and issues that will maintain and/or create safe affordable housing for low-to-moderate income individuals, support economic opportunities for businesses and residents of Main South, enhance the physical image of the area, and instill a sense of neighborhood pride and commitment.


  • Maintain and develop safe, decent and affordable housing with the intention of expanding rental and home ownership opportunities for current and future low-to-moderate income residents of the target area.
  •  Maintain and enhance the physical image of the neighborhood.
  • Instill neighborhood pride and develop a social cohesiveness.
  •  Strive to seek representation from all segments of the Main South Community and increase awareness of the Main South CDC among residents, business people and organizations within and outside the target area.
  •  Operate the Corporation as a financially responsible and democratic organization.


875 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610

Contact Information

875 Main Street, Worcester, MA 01610
Zip/Post Code
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