Our Daily Bread Mansfield’s Food Pantry


We distribute FREE food to Mansfield residents. The pantry is stocked with food items such as fruits and vegetables, fruit juice, cereal, pasta, rice, soups, and meats.

In 2023, more than 350 households representing almost 1000 people - families, senior adults, young couples, and single parent households - visited the pantry and took home more than 16,000 bags of groceries.

We are an all-volunteer run organization, and we rely on the generous support of local businesses and residents for both food and cash donations and to keep the pantry operating smoothly. Please consider giving or volunteering.

The pantry is located at 15A West Street, next to the Congregational Church, and across from the South Common.


15 West Street, Mansfield, MA 02048

Contact Information

15 West Street, Mansfield, MA 02048
Zip/Post Code
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