Straight Ahead Ministries (NH)


Program Overview

We operate five Youth Re-Entry Programs in Massachusetts (serving Boston, Fall River, Fitchburg, Gardner, New Bedford, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Taunton, and Worcester) and another in New Hampshire (serving Concord, Manchester, Nashua and Portsmouth) that offer a variety of services for youth as they leave the juvenile justice system and transition back into their communities. With the support of case managers, mentors, and peer leaders, youth work towards personal and professional goals through educational services, job-readiness training, leadership development, and volunteer service opportunities. Our Youth Re-entry Programs offer a strategic and successful response to the high rate of recidivism among young offenders.

Straight Ahead's Engagement Model

Our youth commit to make challenging changes - to break ties with gangs, stop using drugs, complete their education, develop a strong work ethic. And we make a commitment as well - to see them through every challenge that comes up as they work to develop new skills, deep faith and strong values. Our engagement model is highly relational, integrating professional case management with adult and peer mentoring relationships and a comprehensive set of activities and opportunities.

Straight2Work Job Readiness Training

Our most intensive re-entry program, Straight2Work, is a unique job readiness training program that combines practical, hands-on work experience with character and leadership development to ensure real, lasting change. Working closely with a case manager, youth gain employable skills and industry certifications, increase life skills and develop resumes before securing long-term employment in the community.

Proven Outcomes

Our highly relational engagement model provides an intense counter-offensive to criminal and gang involvement. We're seeing unprecedented success in the lives of extremely high-risk young people - the kids that are involved in gangs, engaged in dangerous activity, have dropped out of school, have rejected help and are simply too difficult for other programs to serve.
Our office is located at 66 Hanover St., Suite 200, Manchester, NH.


Daily Mirror Office Building, 66, Hanover Street, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, 03101, United States

Contact Information

Site Director
Phone 2
Daily Mirror Office Building, 66, Hanover Street, Manchester, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire, 03101, United States
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