Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.


GED Classes


Michelle Ramirez x 146
Linda Taylor x158
Alan Tubman x 181


The Worcester Community Action Council, offers GED preparation for young adults ages 16-25.  Test fee is covered for program program participants. Classes are free. Additionally they provide computer training and job placement assistance.


Ongoing registration, 9:00 am–3:00 pm.  Visit their website, WCAC.net, for more information.

Fuel Assistance


Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm


WACA provides eligible households, homeowners or renters, with help in paying a portion of the winter heating bills. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of all the members of the household that are 18 or older.
Immigrants and persons without social security are eligible to apply for this program.

Additional information

First time applications can send in their application between November 1st and April 30th, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday between 9:00 am–11:00 AM and 12:30 to 3:30 pm.
In addition to the services listed above you may also be eligible for weatherization and heating repair programs appliance programs, that provide you with energy saving information, replaces light bulbs and refrigerators with energy efficient models.


484 Main Street, Suite 203, Worcester, MA

Contact Information

484 Main Street, Suite 203, Worcester, MA
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