Worcester Pastoral Counseling Center


123 Providence Street Suite #301, Worcester, MA 01604 (508) 757-0376

7 Church Street, Westborough, MA (508) 366-4000

34 Felton Street, Hudson, MA (508) 366-4000

Mental Health Providers

Services: Outpatient counseling for adults, youth & children, outpatient counseling for Individuals, Couples, Marriage and Family, Grief & Loss, Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Anxiety, Depression & Stress Management. Group therapy — offered sporadically for divorce support, caregivers, grief & loss, meditation, midlife, women’s spirituality. Also offers EMDR (eye movement desensitization).


Accepts most insurance agencies, but does NOT accept MassHealth, MBHP or Children's Medical Security Plan.
Sliding fee scale.


Services: Clothing, etc.
Hours: Monday– Saturday, 9:00 am – 7:00 pm; Sundays Closed

Soup Kitchen

Services: Salvation Army offers breakfast, lunch and dinner Monday – Friday. Closed on Saturdays. Dinner only on Sunday.

Food Pantry

Services: Food distribution Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm and 12:45 pm – 2:00 pm


128 Providence Street, Worcester, MA 01604

Contact Information

128 Providence Street, Worcester, MA 01604
Zip/Post Code
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