Youville House



Office hours

8–5, Monday-Friday


provided through Catholic Charities Services which help elders, families and children in need with:

  • Older and disabled adults maintain their independence by receiving home care services while others enjoy the companionship of our volunteer visitors.
  • Low-income seniors learn new job skills by working at numerous area agencies as senior aides.
  • Homebound elders and people who would otherwise be alone enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners with the aid of many volunteers.
  • Families receive emergency assistance, food and help with budgeting skills to prevent homelessness, while others find useable, wearable clothing at the Catholic Charities boutique.
  • Parents and children find emergency shelter and transitional services at Catholic Charities Youville House and at the Little Brown House through Catholic Charities partnership with Street, Mary's Parish.
  • Women of all ages receive post-abortion counseling through Project Rachel.
  • Many parents and children benefit from the encouragement and instruction of parent aides.
  • A child completed his journey to his adoptive family, while prospective adoptive families are helped to access adoption services. Many others locate their adoptive histories.
  • Adult learners, assisted by volunteer tutors, pursue educational and life goals through improved literacy.
  • Refugee and immigrant youngsters are tutored after school weekly by college students through a partnership between Catholic Charities and the African Community Project.
  • Families discover strength by building life skills through our Family Resource Center group services.

Catholic Charities Services helping families who seek independence and community support:

  • People volunteer in the resettlement and homeless programs.
  • Newcomers (asylees, refugees and immigrants) living throughout Worcester County with limited financial means receive free medical physicals, lab work and medical documentation in their quest for US citizenship and permanent residency through a partnership of Catholic Charities and Street, Luke's Health Center.
  • People participate in citizenship education and while others obtain immigration counseling.
  • Former refugees find help in their resettlement and in beginning new lives in the United States and others are enrolled in employment training.
  • Immigrants and refugees process legal documents that eventually lead to permanent residency and citizenship.
  • Men at Crozier House continue their pursuit of sobriety, while additional men live in the community through Crozier's collaboration with Street, John's Parish.
  • People with multiple sclerosis are assisted in their efforts to live independently.
  • Many of our neighbors access information and referral services.

Catholic Charities Services helping families faced with developmental disabilities:

  • Young adults find jobs through Mercy Centre's employment services and job training or receive community based day services.
  • Hearing impaired people find comfort and companionship through deaf ministry.


133 Granite Street, Worcester, MA 01604

Contact Information

133 Granite Street, Worcester, MA 01604
Zip/Post Code
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