Daybreak Emergency Shelter for Men and Women


Emergency Shelter for Men and Women

Allows up to 40 guests. 30 men allowed and 10 women allowed.


Counseling; AA meetings; 2 meals/day (lunch in-house for people w/ medical problems); clothing when available; Spanish; handicap accessibility; on- site clinic; day programs; transportation; limited storage facilities. Must be over 18 years old. There is a 9:00 pm curfew.
Daybreak Shelter provides temporary shelter, up to thirty days, for homeless men and women over the age of eighteen. It is one of the last “Wet” shelters in the state, meaning we allow individuals under the influence of alcohol or substances to stay, though we do not allow alcohol or substances to be brought onto or used on our property.


The Shelter is open from 5:00 pm on a first come, first served basis, to 8:00 am each day. Breakfast and dinner are served each day.


19 Winter Street, Lawrence, MA 01843

Contact Information

19 Winter Street, Lawrence, MA 01843
Zip/Post Code
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